Ph/Text 0416 866 433
Base Prices:
Half Hr : $140
45 Min: $190
One Hr: $240
Certification and Employment Options
World's First Non - Sexual Sacred Self Development Tantra Program
BECOME A TANTRA PRACTITIONER IN YOUR TOWN OR CITY - Training is offered to Men and Women Start your own tantra business with guidance from a global community or add the modalities to your own healing practice.
Now offering the opportunity to train in session 1 this is a wonderful way to ease into the world of tantra. Add this modality to your current practice. Add sessions 2-7 at your own pace via webinar at a later date. Or train in 1-3 or 1-7 for a full rounded advanced tantra training. New Price for the Training covering the fundamentals of the Levels 1 - 3 and the advanced sessions. including the Master Classes in Tantra. RED, BLUE & BLACK...
Cost 3 Full Days of Training
Session 1 - 3 including + Advanced Sessions.
$1800 US.
Additional 2 Days on Master Classes
$800 US
In Europe
Session 1 - 3 + Advanced Session
Additional 2 Days for Master Classes
$1200EU -
Master Classes can be taught as an erotic or a non erotic component to Tantra. Depending on your Country and local laws, this is up to you to abide by your local laws. States and territories in which licenses or adult services are outlawed, the session will not have an erotic component and will be taught in a non erotic manner.
Select few practitioners will be offered the Teachers Training Program. A deeper insight into the program and teaching methods as well as opportunities to travel the world and teach the JLT and other modalities.
Employment -
If you would like to be employed by JLT as a local goddess in your area. Training fees will be reduced. Prior to this committment an agreement is to be signed and we will advertise you and work with a referral fee for all practitionres sent to you through our booking system.
Email to find about how to offer these modalities in your practice
Duration: 25+ hour Intensive Training program over 3-4 Full Days in all Facets of The Institute of Tantra Session with ongoing support. This course will enable you to practice as a Tantra Practitioner conducting session 1-7. The Training is professional and exciting, and will open up a new world for your clients and yourself.
Institute of Tantra is a global initiative to bring together all facets of Tantra and make it accessible to the everyday person, this training can be incorporated into any massage, bodywork or dance movement instruction as well as offering the Instiute of Tantra Sessions. Tantra is a growing industry, and you would be a part of a greater movement whereby you will be a sacred teacher, God/dess, instructor and guide to improve one of the most important facets of a person’s life, their sexuality.You will be learning, Tantric theory, philosophy and principles, how to distinguish disharmony in Chakras and Sexual energy, as well as dynamic body movements, the rise and fall of sexual energy, ejaculation controlling techniques, and full body bliss experiences. Because our Tantra progam is a specialised program, you will be able to book your prospective clients in for more than one session as they progress through the levels.
Level 1, 2 and 3 will cost clients between $550 and $650. Meaning, with only 10 clients, you will be able to recuperate the cost of the course, this can often be accomplished in the first few weeks, sometimes in the first week depending on your location.
This Course is intensive. There will be many areas of Sacred Sexuality that will be covered. You will be able to learn both the theory and the practical aspects to this bodywork and be able to operate as a practitioner immediately on return to your town or city. The added benefit that this course provides, is its Non-Sexual Nature. Due to the strict Laws governing Prostitution this Course will enable you to open your own private practice and work anywhere, including Day Spas, Clinics, Natural Therapy Centres and your own home. You will be able to teach clients Tantra, and understand certain facets of Sacred Sexuality that will enable you to guide your clients into a sacred space of conscious loving. Our program was the first of its kind to be presented to the Scientific Community of the 18th World Congress of Sexology in 2007. Statistical Research was conducted on the Benefits of the Tantra Program and found that there was over an 80% success rate in improving many areas of sexuality. Due to this element of professionalism, clients can be referred to an Institute of Tantra Practitioner by a Doctor, counsellor, psychologist, therapist and other holistic therapies to enable clients to learn and experience certain facets of sexuality and understand their bodies, learn new methods and techniques and other personal matters to assist them in their healing.
The Australian Association of Massage Therapists Limited (AAMT) is the peak representative body for massage therapists in Australia formed after the consolidation of five major massage Associations across Australia. We are at present working on having the Institute of Tantra formulated into an approved modality with the frameworks of Massage Therapy. Institute of Tantra Massage is the first Tantra Massage in Australia to enter into this Associations Journal to educate the Massage Therapy Industry of the benefits, power and professionalism of the Institute of Tantra.
Institute of Tantra is also the first Tantra Program to be endorsed by a Professional Association, IASECT. The International Association of Sexual Educators, Counsellors and Therapists is a professional body which was formed to inform the international community of educating professionals and the public about human sexuality and behavior and to support the positive integration of sexuality into individuals lives.This course will enable you to receive Professional Membership with the International Association of Sexual Educators, Counsellors and Therapists. (www.iasect.com)You will also be a member of the International Institute of Tantra, which will enable you to practice this therapy in other National Institute of Tantra centres. You will be able to promote yourself in any advertising media. We will provide skills on how to attract and make your own bookings, however if you would like us to take your bookings for you we certainly can do so at head office, this is a great way to get started.
The Training Covers : 3-4 days (depending on course) of intensive practical and theoretical training.
Course Materials - Extensive Manual Information on what is needed to set up a temple space
Phone and Booking Information and Assistance
Assistance with Business Management and promotion of your new business.
This is a fascinating and fast growing industry so we hope to see you at the next training! Please feel free to us us for more information.
A an added benefit. If you can arrange 10 peoplein your city to attend this training, the training will be offered to you for free.
DISCLAIMER: We follow and respect local laws. All our trainings/sessions are conducted in a non erotic manner. There is no erotic or adult services provided or conducted in the training/sessions. No demonstrations of a sexual nature will be performed. It is up to each individual practitioner to follow their local laws when offering a service.
We are a training institute. And all our practitioners are professionally trained. And will always abide by local laws in relation to the services that they provide.
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0416 866 433